Actin network growth inducing membrane deformation
The actin cytoskeleton is able to exert both pushing and pulling forces on the cell membrane, mediating processes such as cellular motility, endocytosis and cytokinesis. In order to investigate the exclusive role of actin dynamics on membrane deformations, the actin dynamics is reconstituted on the outer surface of a deformable liposome. Depending on the elasticity of the membrane and the forces generated by the actin polymerization, both tubular extrusions (i.e. towards the actin cortex) and localized spike-like protrusions occur along the surface of the liposome. We model how the interplay between forces exerted by the cytoskeleton and the elasticity of the cell can regulate the initiation and formation of these structures.
Actin dynamics drive cell-like membrane deformation; C. Simon*, R. Kusters*, V. Caorsi*, ..., P. Sens, C. Sykes; Nature Physics (2019): 1 (* Equally contibuting authors)
C. Sykes group (Institut Curie)
P. Sens (Institut Curie)
J.-F. Joanny (College de France)
Motor dynamics regulating actin polymarization
The interaction between growing actin filaments and molecular motors are widely regarded to play a central role in the cells ability to generate forces and motion. These molecular motors display a complex behavior emerging from their collective proporties. We study how forces exerted by molecular motors impact the polymerisation of actin filaments and might regulate their growth and dyamics.
A new actin depolymerase: a catch bond Myosin 1 motor ; J. Pernier*, R. Kusters*, H. Bousquet, T. Lagny, A. Morchain, J.-F. Joanny, P. Bassereau, E. Coudrier; bioRxiv, 10.1101/375923 (* Equally contibuting authors)
P. Bassereau group (Institut Curie)
E. Coudrier (Institut Curie)
J.-F. Joanny (College de France)